Have you always wondered why you compare yourself to others? Do you want to figure out how these tips from this series can apply to you?
Welcome to episode 5 of the blog series, "How to STOP comparing yourself to others."
This episode includes...
The answer to the question: Why do I compare myself to others?
Important tips
PS. It's highly recommended that you check out the other posts in this series before you read this one.
Enjoy! 🥞☕
Wonder why you compare yourself? The answer is easy, it just ties into...
If you get anything from this blog series, it's this.
The reason why you are comparing yourself to others is because you're placing your worth on something external. 🌚
You're letting an external factor influence how much you validate yourself.
This can tie into any form of comparison.
You're comparing your physical appearance? It's because you are placing your worth on your looks. 🎀
You're comparing your test scores to others? It's because you are placing your worth on grades. 📃
And the list goes on...

The thing is, we are already worthy and precious on the inside. All these external factors don't determine how worthy we are.
Think of a baby 👶. So adorable and precious right? The baby doesn't have to prove itself to anyone. It's already so beautiful and lovable.
So just keep that in mind, you are worthy and no other external factor can determine that for you. 💗
"Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are." - Ariana Grande
Important Tips
Identify your triggers:
Ask yourself these questions ~
In what situations do you compare yourself the most?
What does that tell you about where you're placing your validation?
What are some things you can say to yourself to replace those internal beliefs/thoughts?
When I'm in a room filled with attractive people.
This tells me that I'm placing my validation on my looks
I could start to identify the beauty in myself (could be characteristics), and whenever compare myself I could use it as an opportunity to recognize my beauty.
Be specific:
Make sure to identify specifically what aspect of someone you're comparing yourself to. This will help you decide your next actions on how to change your thoughts.
Ex. I always compare my grades to other people.
Talk to yourself like how you would talk to a younger version of you.
Glance at a baby photo of yourself and ask yourself "would I judge her/him and compare her/him to other babies?"
The answer is no! You would never, because nobody would ever be mean to a baby. Give yourself the same compassion and kindness.

Quick Note
I'm so glad you came with me on this journey, I hope these tips helped! 🌹
A quick note before ending this blog series (Congrats!🎊 You reached the end!):
It's very hard to control your every thought. It's impossible!
Learning these tips won't automatically vanish all your problems.
Once in a while, we will have a comparison thought (it is normal to have this!)
The tips I shared will simply help you take that thought by its root and shift it to a more positive light.
Sometimes it's best to just let the thought pass by just to release pressure on ourselves. ☁
Don't expect yourself to be completely comparison-free overnight!
You got this <3.